
What Is Structured Literacy? The image on the left is a snapshot of an IDA infographic created by Carolyn Cowen:

A key component of effective reading instruction is showing students how morphology fits into our language. English is a MORPHOphonemic language.
What is Morphology? How can you build morphological awareness in your students? Watch this short webinar (27 minutes) from the 95 Percent Group:
Study of MORPHOLOGY helps all students improve general language ability and reading comprehension. Recent research shows morphology could be essential in language interventions for language-minority children. View this 2022 research article:
Because morphology is so important to unlocking literacy, we are excited to share a free resource to help you explore morphology: Jason Wade’s Base Bank

(Updated link 5/15/2023)

Teachers – As you enjoy exploring Jason’s Morphology bank, be sure to share the word detective fun with your students!
Thank you, Jason Wade, for creating this amazing resource!
Want to learn more about how morphological awareness is one piece of the literacy pie? Read the IDA fact sheet here:
Bookmark this page, and check back often. We will update it frequently with additional resources.
Contact us if you find helpful resources you think would be helpful to educators.  
#morphology #structuredliteracy #literacymatters #idageorgia #untileveryonecanread #dyslexia
posted on 11/29/2021. Updated 2/15/2022. Updated 5/15/2023 Updated 4/29/2024