Dr. Laura Santos on Gratitude

At a Thanksgiving gathering, you likely told someone, “I am thankful for…”

Amy Collette, author of The Gratitude Connections, says, “Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It’s the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul.” As a matter of fact, research exists to back that up!
In an NPR interview, Laurie Santos, a Yale professor and host of “The Happiness Lab” podcast, discusses the research of Robert Emmons, a professor of psychology at UC Davis, and others. Listen to the interview here (starting at about 1’10’’): https://www.npr.org/transcripts/867905101
You can also read the transcript if you prefer.
Be sure to listen to what is also discussed about the reality of the research on positive thinking. Let’s all be careful to WOOP (Wish-Outcome-Obstacles-Plan)! 
This post (with active links) can be found at https://ga.dyslexiaida.org/npr-gratitude/
Happy Thanksgiving from IDA Georgia!
#gratitude #mentalhealth #idageorgia #dyslexia