Tutors and Testing

Tutors and Testing

IDA Georgia provides referrals for testing or tutoring upon request. Contact us at info@idaga.org.

For a list of IDA Georgia professionals who have indicated to National IDA they are able to provide services for the dyslexic community, please click here.

IDA Georgia accepts calls from teachers who have completed an intensive Wilson or Orton-Gillingham training course and are now seeking students for their practicum. These courses require the teachers to complete a supervised practicum in order to become certified. These teachers are willing to tutor children for a reduced fee while working on their practicum. If you are a parent of a child who has been diagnosed with dyslexia and you can commit to twice a week tutoring for at least as long as is needed for the tutor to complete his/her practicum, then contact IDA Georgia for a referral: info@idaga.org or 404-256-1232. (Note: Phone messages are generally retrieved once a week, whereas email messages are retrieved within 24 hours.)

The IDA does not recommend or endorse any individual, business, school or program. We provide these contacts to help you network with those involved in the issues of dyslexia.

For additional information about professionals in the field of dyslexia, please email info@idaga.org.

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