IDA Webinars

IDA Webinars

The International Dyslexia Association is offering a webinar series to empower educational professionals and families with knowledge and resources to address the instructional needs of students who have dyslexia and other learning differences. To receive webinar updates in your inbox, join the National IDA mailing list.

IDA offers free webinars presented by Patricia Mathes, Ph.D., Texas Instruments Chair of Evidence-Based Education and Professor of Teaching And Learning, Southern Methodist University, Editor-in-Chief of IDA’s Annals of Dyslexia and Founder of Hoot Education.

IDA invited Dr. Louisa Moats to discuss how IDA’s Knowledge and Practice Standards can improve reading instruction for ALL students. Louisa Moats, Ed.D., is President of Moats Associates Consulting, Inc. and has served as a National Board member and Vice President of IDA. She earned her M.A. in Learning Disabilities/Special Education at Peabody College of Vanderbilt and her doctorate in Reading and Human Development from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

IDA invited Dr. Suzanne Carreker to discuss the certifications IDA issues that recognize professionals with the knowledge and skills to teach individuals with dyslexia to read. Suzanne Carreker, Ph.D., CALT-QI, serves on the Board of the International Dyslexia Association as Secretary and is coordinating IDA’s new certification program for teachers of reading.

The Upper Midwest Branch of IDA and Ontario Branch of IDA offer a plethora of free webinars throughout the year to support parents, education professionals and advocates. If you were unable attend one of their previous webinars, never fear! They’ve provided recordings for your viewing pleasure at any time – and they are always free.

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