Prior Years’ Conferences and Webinar Series

IDA GEORGIA’s 2024 DIMENSIONS OF DYSLEXIA CONFERENCE: THE KEYS TO STRUCTURED LITERACY was an in-person conference to be held in Milledgeville, GA on the Georgia College & State University campus on Saturday, November 16. In 2024, we also hosted a Friday night welcome dinner for speakers, board members, award winners, and sponsors. The full-day conference was an opportunity for educators, administrators, parents, advocates, psychologists, and others to connect and increase their understanding of dyslexia and related language-based learning issues and how best to address the needs of an individual with dyslexia through evidence-based, structured literacy practices.

SPEAKERS: Keynotes Tiffany Hogan, Ph.D. and Tracy White Weeden, Ed.D., in addition to the amazing breakout session speakers. Learn more: 2024 Conference Program


IDA-GA AWARDS: Thank you for helping us identify and recognize the individuals in our Georgia community who are making a significant impact through their leadership and/or service. All submissions told the story of very deserving individuals. CONGRATULATIONS to our 2024 winners, Dr. Helen Rice (Leadership-in-Literacy Award) and Samantha Flowers (Outstanding Service Award). Read about the winners in our Conference Program

SCHOOL CONFERENCE SCHOLARSHIPS:  The Raffle Drawing for the ten winning schools was held on April 1. Each winning school was invited to submit the names of five teachers to receive a complimentary registration to the conference. 

THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Learn about our sponsors in our 2024 Conference Program. These sponsors share a like-minded mission with IDA. 

2023 IDA-GA Annual Dimensions of Dyslexia Conference 

View the 2023 Conference Program. Learn about our Keynote Speakers and Breakout Sessions.

Dr. Kristin Sayeski and Tina Engberg, our award recipients, were honored for their dedicated service to education and outstanding efforts to promote and encourage student reading achievement.  Learn more about these deserving individuals here.

2023 Conference Sponsors – Thank you for your support! Learn about these sponsors in our 2023 Conference Program

In 2021, IDA-GA began offering the Spotlight on Structured Literacy Webinar Series. The webinar series was in lieu of an in-person conference in 2021 & 2022. Due to the success of the series, IDA-GA decided to make this an annual event to be co-hosted with The Reading League Georgia. To assess presentation recordings and resources shared, click EVENTS > Spotlight on Structured Literacy in the menu at the top of this page.

Canceled Due to COVID-19
The Science and Art of Dyslexia
2020 IDA-GA Annual Conference

Out of an abundance of caution for attendees, presenters, event organizers, and Wheeler High School students and support staff, the Georgia Branch of the International Dyslexia Association’s 2020 Dimensions of Dyslexia Conference was canceled.
Please see this letter for additional details from IDA-GA President, Renee Bernhardt.

2019 IDA Southern Regional Conference
Writing, Advocacy, and Technology
Louisville, Kentucky

The Southern Regional Conference held on March 22-23, 2019 was attended by teachers, educators, and administrators, reading specialists, researchers, university faculty, psychologists, physicians, tutors, and parents.  The featured presentations from Pete Wright of Wrightslaw, Dr. Margie Gillis, Dr. Cheryl Ann Chase, William Van Cleave, and a host of presenters who inspired and encouraged attendees. The two-day conference was packed with interesting sessions, a robust vendor hall, and many opportunities to collaborate with others.

Current IDA Georgia President, Karen Huppertz, and President-elect, Renee Bernhardt, discussed the important roles that parents and school staff play in ensuring appropriate student supports during their presentation entitled How to Get the Help Your Child Needs: School Administrator and Parent Perspectives.

IDA conferences are a great way to learn about best practices, current research, and resources for dyslexia and learning success. If you cannot attend a full conference, be sure to check the calendar page and look for outreach events in your area.

2019 IDA-GA Dimensions of Dyslexia Conference
Illuminating Literacy: Solutions for ALL
Marietta, Georgia

Thank you to all who attended the conference on March 16th at Wheeler High School. We are so appreciative of the speakers who provided 53 presentations that attendees could choose from and our keynote speaker Dr. Julie Washington who delivered an exceptional discussion on dialect differences and how they can impact reading success.

Whether you attended the conference or not, you can hear more about reading to preschoolers and the import role that parents play in literacy development through this video presentation starring Dr. Washington:

Feedback from those who attended the conference this year has been overwhelmingly positive, and this is because of the amazing presentations from the talented speakers at the conference. Our goal is to provide current information that is grounded in research and best practices and our conference presenters really delivered this year!

We are incredibly appreciative of the fabulous vendors and sponsors of the conference.

Agenda,  Session Descriptions, and Speaker Information

Conference Brochure

Speaker Handouts:

A1. B1. Let’s Get Real With Assistive Technology

A4. B4. From Torment to Triumph: Strategies for Supporting Essay Composition

B5. State Dyslexia Policy: What Drives It, How It’s Developed, and What Makes It Work (Or Not)

C1. Your Brain on Math – It All Adds Up

C2. Recognizing Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) in the Dyslexic Learner

C3. Scientific Word Investigations: The importance of Morphology, Etymology, and Phonology

C5. I2. Teaching Students How to Spell and Read Non-Phonetic and High-Frequency Words (Elementary-Middle School)

C7. Maximize Learning Through Movement

C9. Empowering Readers Through the Dynamics of Text-to-Speech

D2. E2. Dyslexia and ESOL Families – 1

D2. E2. Dyslexia and ESOL Families – 2

D2. E2. Dyslexia and ESOL Families – 3

D2. E2. Dyslexia and ESOL Families – 4

D2. E2. Dyslexia and ESOL Families – 5

F1. Collaboration Between Neuropsychology & Speech-Language Pathology in the Identification and Treatment of Dyslexia

F3. SPA Strategies: Foundational for Executive Function and Learning to Love Learning

F5. Creating a Vocabulary Rich Classroom

G1. H1. Free Tools for Struggling Readers -1

G1. H1. Free Tools for Struggling Readers -2

G3. H3. Syllables and Semantics-1

G3. H3. Syllables and Semantics-2

I1. Dyslexia Legislative Update-1

I1. Dyslexia Legislative Update-2

2018 IDA-GA Dimensions of Dyslexia Conference
Bridging the Gap Between Structured Literacy & Assistive Technology
Atlanta, Georgia

When:  Saturday, March 24, 2018
Where:  Georgia Tech Research Institute Conference Center
250 14th St NW, Atlanta, GA 30318

This year’s IDA-GA Dimensions of Dyslexia conference, “Bridging the Gap between Structured Literacy & Assistive Technology” has a different format than previous years’ conference events.  This year’s event, being held in partnership with Georgia Tech’s Tools for Life, will provide a hands-on assistive technology lab as well as structured literacy and assistive technology sessions. Sessions will be geared to address the various interests of professionals, parents, and students.

8:00-8:45 am Morning Registration
12:00-12:45 pm Afternoon Registration

Morning (9:00-12:00) or Afternoon (1:00-4:00)
$15 IDA Member; $25 Nonmember
Full Day 
$25 Member; $35 Nonmember
(Children under 16 may attend for free with a registered adult.)

2017 IDA Southern Regional Conference
Greenville, South Carolina

The IDA Southern Regional Conference brought to you by by Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee Branches of IDA

March 24 and 25 at the Greenville Hilton in Greenville South Carolina

Friday, March 24

“Music of South Carolina” Social featuring a Charleston Jazz Band and other musicians from SC

Saturday, March 25

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Maryanne Wolf, author of Proust and the Squid and RAVE-O
Wrap-Up Speaker: Dr. Steven Dykstra, founding member of the Wisconsin Reading Coalition


2016 IDA-GA Dimensions of Dyslexia Conference
Atlanta, Georgia

Many thanks to our attendees and sponsors of IDA Georgia’s 2016 Dimensions of Dyslexia Conference held February 20, 2016 at Georgia Tech in Atlanta.

This one-day dyslexia conference included a wide-range of topics including research, assistive technology, vocabulary, working memory and literacy. We would also like to thank our inspiring keynote speakers Travis Allen and David Flink.

Allen is president and founder of the iSchool Initiative and winner of the 2015 Georgia Young Entrepreneur of the Year award. He is quickly becoming one of the more influential leaders of the emerging digital learning movement.

Flink, who is dyslexic, is the founder of Eye to Eye, a national mentoring program for different thinkers designed to show kids with learning differences and/or ADHD how to be their best advocates, embrace and capitalize on their unique ways of looking at the world.

For information about 2016 keynote speakers, breakout sessions, agenda, and fees: Click here to download the 2016 Conference Brochure.

Contact us if you have any questions:

Travis Allen and David Flink

Congratulations to our award winners!

Jennifer Topple, recipient of the 2015 Service Award, Rahil Kamath, recipient of the 2015 Destiny Initiative Award, and Sucheta Kamath, IDA Georgia Board of Directors Corresponding Secretary

Jennifer Rhett, recipient of the 2015 Leadership in Literacy Award

Thanks to our 2016 Session Speakers for sharing their documents:
Susan McCarthy Furman
Guiding the Transition from High School to College
Download Speaker Handout

Jennifer W. Greene
Identifying and Prioritizing Academic Vocabulary
Download Academic Vocabulary
Download Academic Word List
Download GSL 1000
Download GSL 2000
Download RANGE Instructions

Carolyn P. Phillips
Exploring AT Strategies and Solutions for LD
Download 2016 IDA LD and AT – Forsyth County

Frank Sapp
Free Software Tools for Struggling Learners
Download Tools For Struggling Students

Jennifer Topple & Kim Papastavridis
How Low Can You Go? Using Assistive Technology for Reading Comprehension in the Elementary Grades
Download How Low Can You Go?

2015 Dimensions of Dyslexia Conference

Thanks to Henry Winkler, our generous sponsors and talented and hard-working volunteers for a wonderful event February 7, 2015 at the IDA Georgia Dimensions of Dyslexia Symposium Henry Winkler’s Personal Dyslexia Journey – Rialto Center for the Arts, Atlanta, GA.

The International Dyslexia Association – Georgia Branch hosted a unique symposium as part of their annual Dimensions of Dyslexia series at Georgia State’s Rialto Center for the Arts featuring actor, director, producer and best-selling author Henry Winkler.

Winkler, who is dyslexic, gained fame as the Fonz on “Happy Days,” and is known in recent years for recurring roles on “Arrested Development,” “Parks and Recreation” and “Royal Pains.” Henry has new Hank Zipzer books in his series for children, which further chronicle Hank’s adventures. With wisdom and humor, Winkler will discuss his children’s books and his own challenges with dyslexia.

Following Mr. Winkler’s discussion, a panel of experts discussed navigating resources and uncovering strategies for dyslexic students and adults.

“I was told I was lazy. I was told I was stupid. But what I learned is that how you learn has nothing to do with how brilliant you are. A learning challenge does not have to stop you from meeting your dream. You cannot give in to your fear. If I can live my dream , then there’s no reason why you can’t also.”

– Henry Winkler

2015 IDA Southern Regional Conference

The IDA Southern Regional Conference brought to you by the Southern IDA Branches: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina & Tennessee

April 17-18, 2015 in Brentwood, Tennessee (just a little over 10 miles from Nashville). We devoted one or two days to learning from experts in the field.


Elephant in the Room: What We Overlook Regarding Dyslexia
Nancy Mather, Ph.D.
Professor of Special Education, Department of Disability Psychoeducational Studies
University of Arizona, Tucson

Lessons from an Evolving Reading Brain for Dyslexia, Intervention, and Global Literacy
Maryanne Wolf, Ed.D.
Director, Center for Reading Language Research and Professor of Child Development
Tufts University, Medford, MA

A New Look at Learning Disabilities
G. Emerson Dickman, III, Esq.
Past President of the International Dyslexia Association and Attorney, Law Offices of G. Emerson Dickman, III
Maywood, NJ

2014 Dimensions of Dyslexia Conference

“Thanks to our generous sponsors and attendees of the 24th Annual IDA Georgia Dimensions…” 

Thanks to our generous sponsors and attendees of the 24th Annual IDA Georgia Dimensions of Dyslexia Conference held Saturday, February 1, 2014 at Ravinia Crown Plaza in Atlanta. The one-day dyslexia conference covering research, response to intervention, vocabulary, working memory and literacy brought together a diverse audience including educators, researchers, physicians, psychologists, tutors, speech and language pathologists, administrators, parents, dyslexic individuals and advocates. Over 320 were in attendance for keynote speakers, Eric Tridas, President of the International Dyslexia Association and Amanda Kyle Williams, Atlanta-based author of the Keye Street crime novel series as well as the numerous, informative breakout sessions.

View all conference photos here.

2013 Dimensions of Dyslexia Conference

Thanks to everyone who attended the 23rd Annual Dimensions of Dyslexia Conference and to our extraordinary sponsors.

The International Dyslexia Association Georgia Branch’s 23rd Annual Dimensions of Dyslexia and 1st Southern Regional Conference was held Friday, February 1, 2013 and Saturday, February 2, 2013 at Cobb Galleria Centre in Atlanta, GA. Participating Branches: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.

Advocacy – Rachel Barron
Download Sample State IEP form
Download Sample 504 plans

State Education Rules & Selected Procedures
Download Advocating for your child with a learning difference
Download FAPE – 160-4-7-.02
Download IEP -160-4-7-.06
Download Procedures for Writing 504 Plans
Download Special Education Eligibility
Download Student Support Team
Download Evaluations & Re-evaluations 160-4-7-.04



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