Thank you to all who participated in the 2021 Dyslexia Dash in support of IDA’s mission to create a future for all individuals who struggle with dyslexia and other related reading differences so that they may have richer, more robust lives and access to the tools and resources they need.
Searchable by Bib Number or Name on RunSignUp: https://runsignup.com/Race/Results/9779#resultSetId-282977;perpage:100
Winners by Category for In-Person Racing (from Orion): https://orionsportstiming.com/results.html
We will be posting photos on Facebook and putting them in the Facebook album entitled #DyslexiaDash2021. Please also post your photos with #dyslexiadash2021 and alert us to your post by tagging us on Instagram as @idageorgia and Facebook @DyslexiaIDAGA. You also can upload photos on the Run Sign Up site at https://runsignup.com/Race/Photos/GA/Atlanta/DyslexiaDash.
It’s been 15 years since the first Dyslexia Dash. In 2006, then IDA Georgia President Jennifer Hasser dreamed up the Dyslexia Dash as a way for the International Dyslexia Association GA to raise funds for teacher training opportunities. We had almost 200 runners that year.
Fast forward to 2021: 2021 was the first year the Dyslexia Dash had both an in-person race and a virtual race. We had a record 2,409 runners with 1,718 being in-person and 691 running virtually We had 258 virtual racers from outside of Georgia representing 27 other states We had a record 37 sponsors We receive a record $20,700 of donations of which $4,600 were from out-of-state and one from Canada.
Wow. Thank you, everyone. The Dyslexia Dash has been a great event to increase dyslexia awareness, build community, and to raise funds for outreach initiatives and
scholarships and
grants for teachers seeking training in Structured Literacy, the kind of instruction our kiddos with dyslexia need.
CONGRATS to Lisa Jemmings of Cartersville who played our numbers guessing game and made an amazingly close guess (2,411) to our final number of in-person + virtual runner registrations (2,409).
We also have announced the Dyslexia Dash Instagram Photo Contest winners. See comments in the original post on Instagram.