
IDA-GA Grant Program – No Grants available in 2025. Please see IDA-GA Scholarship Opportunities. 

Grant Purpose

Our goal is to provide opportunities for educational training based on the content and principles of structured literacy (see IDA’s 75th Anniversary Issue of Perspectives on Language & Literacy and IDA Fact Sheet). We are offering funding for teacher trainers who are employed at a USG College of Education and/or a Georgia PSC-approved Dyslexia Endorsement program. This funding will provide professional educational opportunities to teacher trainers to address the need for remediation of dyslexia, other reading disorders, or struggling readers.

IDA-Georgia will award up to eight grants annually of up to $10,000 each per program.


  • Applicants who receive training must be members of IDA and will be asked to provide their member number. If you are not currently a member of IDA, please join here.
  • Educator training should be targeted toward remediation of dyslexia, other reading disorders, or struggling readers through structured literacy practices. 
  • Grant monies may be used for training fees in structured literacy.
  • Requesting organizations must contribute funds at some level of participation (i.e., IDA membership, materials, additional teacher trainers).
  • Funds must be used within a year of the grant being awarded.
  • University or independent teacher training programs must be accredited by IDA. Programs that are Accredited Plus are preferred.
  • Training descriptions should be specific, including measurable objectives, timelines, a detailed budget, a detailed description of the structured literacy training – including a course syllabus and required materials/educational texts – referencing applicable research, anticipated outcomes, and a list of measures to determine outcomes. Please read our IDA Dyslexia Endorsement Program Guidance document to help guide your application description.

Application Procedures

  • Applications are open. 
  • Applications must be submitted electronically to IDA-GA on the website under the Grants & Scholarships tab.
  • A committee consisting of IDA-GA board members will review the application. The committee reserves the right not to award all grant monies if the quality of the entries does not meet the criteria. The decision of the committee is final.
  • Grantees will be asked to submit reports back to IDA-GA upon completion of the training to demonstrate the impact of the training including evidence/data in support of the fulfillment of the goals described in their applications. Funds must be spent within 2 years of receiving the funds.

Click here to submit a Grant Application!

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